Saturday, October 29, 2005

Tin Toys

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I will be hitting 40 next year. Not so far away. Somehow I still cannot help feeling 'un grown up'. I think that people who know me know that I do my best to keep my word. Inside me, I still wish to be a kid and run away from all that responsibility. I know to do the best that I can but sometimes things are beyond me but I still have to bare the responsibility. Guess like a parent taking responsibility for their children's actions. In my case, my child is my business.

Well kiddo, Daddy is taking a holiday the first half of next year. Can't wait for the break.

I love the tin toys. They remind me of childhood.

1 comment:

Heng said...

Yup. In a cowboy outfit with water pistols in both hands. Giddee uppp Silver!!!