Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Forward Moves

For Steffi, Pour Oliver by Elysa Wendi

For Steffi, Pour Oliver by Elysa Wendi

Never Land by Kuik Swee Boon

Never Land by Kuik Swee Boon

Standing in the middle of our see-saw by Aaron Khek

Standing in the middle of our see-saw by Aaron Khek

I accepted an assignment to shoot for the National Arts Council 2 days after I arrived back in Singapore even though I only officially start work in July. This was because the job was to shoot Forward Moves, a dance showcase of 4 local choreographers. And they are all people I know well. I do not shoot dance very often nowadays because of other job commitments, but it always feels good to be back shooting dance. The lighting and the exposure demands of digital photography made this shoot very difficult. But I always feel like a participant when I am shooting dance.

It is strange. I am so comfortable shooting dance and weddings, but I am determined to shoot portraits. There are inherent limitations to my own vision that I want so badly to overcome. I am always climbing one hill or another. I guess its my nature.

1 comment:

ShutterBug said...

so beautiful.. I love to see dance movements.. so vibrant in energy yet so silent in beauty :)

nice ones Heng :)