Saturday, January 26, 2008

Canon Powershot G9 Review

Canon Powershot G9 Review

I have been quietly using my G9. My photographs in Hong Kong were shot on the G9. I am actually very happy with it in light of the size of the package. I carry it around with me everyday. Honestly, after working on a 5D day in day out, the G9's image quality is not as good as a DSLR. But I have not found another point and shoot that I would trust as much, including the Ricoh GR. Basically the G9's 12 megapixels are usable. And if I was every to sell stuff to a stock agency, this is the only compact camera that I think could make the cut. That is enough reason for me to work with its shortcomings. For a carry around everywhere camera, this is tops for me.